Thursday, June 21, 2007


The voting is over - I don't know who, if anyone, stuffed the ballots but we had 316 total votes. That's not too shabby. I never anticipated as many entries as we had and while one of the proposed titles clearly came out on top there were several that got a lot of votes. So here's what's next. This week I will post the top six vote getter's (six because that is how many got 10 votes or more). You will be able to vote one time and only one time. I want your comments. I want to hear WHY you think the name your propose would be the best. I'd recommend you read the comments before you vote. Find out who is saying what about their favorite name. Your choices are:

1. THE VISION or VISION 20:20 - Between these two names there were 119 votes. The obvious field favorite. VISION is part of our "tag" line "Spring Meadows Church of Christ - A Place of Vision" and if we went with the 20:20 part it could denote Acts 20:20 - "Daily and from house to house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."

2. FIELDS OF GOLD: I'm not sure who nominated this one but it has gotten a very large number of votes (62). Meadows - Fields of Gold. I see the connection.

3. The Millennium Falcon - I know who suggested this one - I don't think they were serious and it is possible THEY PERSONALLY voted for it 51 times. Not sure what the connection would be - but if it wins

4. OUR CHURCH BULLETIN: Plain, simple....not exactly what we are known for, but it was a top five vote getter.

5. SPRINGBOARD: This one came from outside the our congregation but I like the concept. Our bulletin as something to "Spring" us forward.

6. PIZZA ANYONE: I also know who nominated this one. Pretty unique. It would keep folks on their heels and people might read it just out of curiosity. It comes from a sermon I preached early on here I titled "What do you want on your pizza?" Again, if it won it would be like us to come up with something that "out of the box".

There were other suggestions including: NO LIMITS! or LIMITLESS (I liked that one a lot too - a write in campaign for it could sway us. It is again another of those Spring Meadows sayings that has taken root). Spring Meadows Minutes and Foresight were also suggested.

OK, we really need to hear your voice on this one. Let us know what you think. We will be open for the next week on this one.


Sorrel Dugan said...

I'd like to make a suggestion about the VISION is obviously the favorite! It's not my favorite because I thought it too generic, AND because we already use that word in our "slogan". Redundant? BUT! I must say that when I read the Acts 20:20 verse, it makes it much more meaningful and not just, "let's use the same word we are already using".

AND I'm big on definitions so here is Webster's definition of vision (in case anyone was wondering): 1. something seen otherwise than by ordinary sight (as in a dream or trance) 2. a vivid picture created by the imagination 3. the act or power of imagination 4. unusual wisdom in foreseeing what is going to happen 5. the act or power of seeing 6. something seen

So maybe, "Perfect Vision: Acts 20:20"
or "Our perfect Vision: Acts 20:20"
or "Acts 20:20: Our perfect Vision"
or "Acts 20:20: The perfect Vision"

A little late on all this information, I know........just putting in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Let me explain the millenium falcon suggestion...
First of all, a disclaimer: my mind is a scary place. But come on in...
This was my actual thought process: well, millenial harbinger has already been about millenium falcon? Plus, I mean, how cool would it be if your bulletin was called the millenium falcon? I know, I know, about as cool as Comic Con, right?
I understand your thought process: Millenium Falcon? What kind of direction will that take us? What are we going to do next, start calling the men who pass around the Lord's Supper trays "Stormtroopers"?

Matthew said...


I like Springboard. I guess vision 20:20 is good, but a little too used. It sounds to much like a mission statement, not a bulletin. Just my thought.

Anonymous said...


I think Vision 20:20 is a great name. The 20:20 not only reflects on an appropriate verse of scripture, but also denotes "accurate" vision, 20/20. If we could all see so clearly..... :)

I am asked frequently about SMCC and your decision to be associated with it in particular. It is great to be able to recommend to those who ask, without hesitation, that they visit and check it out, and to put away any doubt they may have as to its legitimacy. Thanks for your leadership under a great group of elders.

Joe Trimble

Anonymous said...

VISION has been my favorite all along but VISION 20:20 sounds like a great name for our church bulletin, especially after reading Acts 20:20.

I cannot speak of the Spring Meadows church to anyone without using the word vision. It is one of the main things that drew our family to the Spring Meadows congregation. We wanted to be a part of that vision and excitement.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Sorrel, I did vote for Vision 20:20 but I do like "Perfect Vision: Acts 20:20"
better. I do think it is Redundant and loses its effect if we use the word Vision on everything. But I like the verse with it. I think the Acts 20:20 verse should be printed at the top below the title, it gives it a deeper meaning. Just my opinion.

Missie said...

not a big fan of vision 20/20 but I do like Vision- I also like Straight from the Spring-- thanks for letting everyone vote- what a great idea! love you

Anonymous said...

VISION is my choice, as opposed to VISION 20:20. I think a church bulletin (or any publication, for that matter) should have a simple, straightforward message as it title. Let's face it, it is a church bulletin, so a Biblical reference is going to be a little overkill. Besides, how many people actually knew what Acts 20:20 said without having to look it up? I didn't. I think you want to go for simplicity in your title and that alone will invite the reader further into the bulletin.

Anonymous said...

Vision gets my vote. Simple, clear, says everything without too much clutter. Keep it simple!