Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Sunday while partaking of the Lord's Supper something struck me. The reading was on Jesus blood being shed for us. I had a very small cut on my thumb last week and it bled...maybe a drop or three. I don't like giving my blood. Even a couple of drops.

I give blood but it better be for a good cause and it better not be wasted. Wish I'd kept up with how many times I've donated blood. How many pints/gallons I've given. I'm not a needle guy and once I fainted getting up too quickly from the "bloodletting" but I've continued to donate. And I certainly like the feeling that it gives me when I've given. But I don't want it wasted.

As Americans we are conditioned to believe that in a disaster we need to give blood. Truth is that is the time we probably need to least give blood. Only 5% of eligible donors give blood but in time of disaster there is such a "glut" so to speak that we can't even handle all the blood given. Blood has a "shelf life" of about 42 days. When 9/11 occurred literally 10's of thousands of gallons of blood could never be used - estimates are as high as 300,000 units that had to be discarded.

The Department of Health and Human Services actually wrote a statement asked that Americans stop giving and come back in 3 or 4 months. Because of the politics involved that statement was never released. When it came to light that blood had been wasted many Americans were outraged so much so that a slump in donations followed from which blood donor organizations are still reeling.

I don't waste my blood. But of much more value is the blood of Christ. One who turns on His sacrifice (Acts 20:28) and counts His blood as insignificant is in serious danger (please read Hebrews 10:26-31). When you forsake the services of the church, when you do not use the gifts he has given you for His work, when you speak evil of His church and His people...you are throwing away the blood of Christ. When you commune with Him and His Family you are a partaker of His blood which in turn flows through you.

Don't waste blood - especially His.


Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Dale.

Jeremiah said...

That was a very good post. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

JUst wondering what your thoughts are...not going to church tonight, due to illness. Do you consider that forsaking the assembly?, because I have always understood that the habit is where sin comes in. It is frustrating when people point fingers at you before not knowing your situation, maybe you don't have a ride, have to work, sick, sick children. THoughts?

Dale's Spot said...

Not sure where to respond to anonymous's thought. God obviously does not require the impossible of us. It seems to me it is a matter of priorities - if you would make your child's ball game, go grocery shopping, or clock in at work feeling as you feel but jsut cause a person is a little tired or feels a little bad they use it as an excuse to miss the opportunity to worship God with others might reveal something about their heart. Of course, I don't know who anonymous is nor what their illness is so I would not presume to judge them. It's not the habit it's the intent! I believe that when a person makes a decision that they would "rather" be somewhere else than worshipping God with His People and "acts" on that decision they are in jepordy. The scritures are clear on what Christ expects "Seek first the Kingdom of God."

All said God does not expect the impossible of us.