Monday, August 27, 2007

How's It Going...

It is rare that a day goes by that I don't have the question asked me several times a day - in person, by phone, via email. How are things going at Spring Meadows. Well, with the glory and praise to God I must say - unbelievable! It is His work and what is happening is solely to His glory.

Attendance wise: Five of the last six Sunday's we have been over 225 and have pushed 250 hard three of those days - we've been having to put chairs out every week lately. Last week we had slightly over 90% of our worship crowd stay for Bible class. We have had four of our members go on foreign mission trips this summer. We recently had nearly 200 on a Sunday night. In the month period between late July and August we had 9 baptisms. A few weeks ago we had over 60 children ages SIX AND YOUNGER! Wow. There is a remarkable spirit of unity, energy and love here.

On the building. As you know we are building on the first phase of the 35 acres on the corner of Duplex Road and I-65. We have our building permit and are beginning to move dirt. It is our hope to start work on the foundation next week or the week after. The building will be a multipurpose facility that could possible eventually be a part of a Christian school. It will seat between 3 and 5 hundred and will have 17 classrooms.

Our five elders are shepherding so very well. They are growing themselves. I often pray that they (and we all) will be bigger than we are - for this work!

But the best stuff is evangelism - it seems to be becoming rather natural here. A young school teacher invites a friend to her church - the friend ends up at the "wrong church" - which turned out to be the right church and ends up bringing her husband, the friend who'd originally invited her to the other church, who bring her husband, she later invites a her hair dresser, who comes and brings her child and her mom, and then brings tells a customer about this "neat church she has found" who comes and brings her husband and three children. Another lady is having a medical procedure and tells one of the nurses about the church and she comes and then brings her two children and now her husband. Another brings a friend from work. Isn't that how it should be? Natural. People in love with the Lord and His church talking to others about it...THAT'S THE GOOD STUFF!

We don't know what will happen in the future - only the Lord knows that and as we like to say around here - "don't limit God." None of us would have ever predicted anything like what has happened so quickly here.

Personally, Melaine and I feel blessed (we always have felt that way), we are loving this new challenge and enjoying it. The Lord willing we will close on our house sale next Tuesday (September 4), the same day our Andrew will be flying out for a semester in Italy. Thank you all for caring and for praying (how could it have gone any way but this way with so many of God's People praying for this work?)

Remember: "The future is as bright as the promises of God!" Amen.


If my mom was still on this earth she would have turned 70 a few days ago. She is eternally young in my mind: even though she had a lot of health problems she had a young, playful spirit. Mom loved to bowl, play volleyball and softball (she could hit the ball a mile) and had a number of 200 games in bowling. While we tormented her with kidding she loved to play board games or cards. And yes, I miss her.

I'm not sure what prompted it but something I said or thought made me start thinking today about my mom's sayings. She had a bundle of them - just thought I'd share some of "her" (my) favorites:

10. My stars and guitars (not sure to this day what that means).

9. (When we were pretty young and us boys were always fighting, as little boys tend to do): "You sit there and don't move a muscle".

8. Your mama's as broke as a convict (we knew that meant she probably only had a couple of hundred dollar bills hidden somewhere :)).

7. You're mama's little angel...

6. You're killing me...(of course, when we weren't being mama's little angels).

5. "mairzy doats and dozy doats and little lambsy divey A kiddle divey, too. Wouldn't you?" (mom sang a lot - silly songs and spiritual songs - I still don't have a clue what this one means).

4. "I can't watch..." (when Alabama would be playing football and it was really close she'd go in the other room so she couldn't see).

3. "Can't never could..."

2. Moms proud of you.

1. If you will ____ (whatever she needed done at the moment) mom will dance at your wedding.

I know I left out some really good ones - she said so many fun and funny things. What were/are your mom's favorite sayings?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


God is ...
...not a maniacal maniac
...not a colossal killjoy
...not a jerk

The commands/laws/instructions/rules for living that He gives are "For our good…" (Deut. 10:12-14; 12:28).

When God says not to lie there is perhaps more to it than just that He IS Truth. There is the fact that lying hurts both the one lying and the one being lied to. It is a stressful way to try to live life not telling the truth.

When God says not to steal it is not just that it damages His plans for how man should "get" it is that stealing harms every person involved. When someone takes what you have it discourages you, it can be frightening, it makes it where you can't "give" as much and it leaves the potential to sour you. It causes the one stealing to be disabled from their own productivity and leads them to misunderstand respect for others.

When God says not to commit adultery, it is more than just that He wants one man to be married to one woman, it's the pain it brings into so many lives. The quick and easy divorce hasn't brought happiness into the American life. The free love of the 60's has not minimized the pain of unfaithfulness. Both have complicated every aspect of life.

Bottom line...when it comes to how to live...God knows what He's talking about!

"and His commands are not grievous..." (1 John 5:3).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How about you?

Melanie was talking to a rather depressed friend the other day. This is a family that attends church every Sunday (not with us, so don't try guessing). The lady said that she was recently talking to her husband and said "our children have never seen us involved in church service..." What a sad statement. I seriously doubt those children will develop a strong faith as a result of their parents and pray that they will have positive influences on their spiritual lives.

I wonder about you and your family. Is yours like the one above or this one?

"Would you do me a favor, friends, and give special recognition to the family of Stephanas? You know, they were among the first converts in Greece, and they've put themselves out, serving Christians ever since then. I want you to honor and look up to people like that: companions and workers who show us how to do it, giving us something to aspire to" (1 Corinthians 16:15-16 The Message).

I know you may not be able to change your whole family, but you can set the example of one who "puts yourself out, serving Christians." God made us where there is something that every individual can do in His Service.

God bless you in that effort - it's a rewarding way to live!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A moose hunt?

I’m not exactly sure where or how to start this post – but it has been brewing for I’d say 25 years – so nobody take it too personally. I don’t react strongly to a lot of things (people purposely excluding others, anyone talking bad about my Lord’s church), but I have an instant “knee-jerk reflex” to negative anonymous letters (and now posts). It goes back a long way but the posts of the last several days have precipitated this specific post.

I appreciate all the comments. As I said, I was not happy about the decision to no longer allow people to post without going to the trouble of signing in. Some have given me fodder to mull over in my little brain: Especially opposing views. There were some very sensible comments some I agree with and some I don’t. But since the posters were anonymous I can’t respond to them personally to clarify prior to my response and I since I don’t know them I have no history from which to evaluate their intent, thereby setting the tone of my response.

One poster friend said: “I don't see what the problem with someone wanting to remain anonymous would be...what's the big deal?” Good question:

Every church I’ve ever worked with has had a sniper anonymous letter writer who sadistically and systematically did harm to the progress of the church. I meet with hundreds of preachers and church leaders every year. One “circle” group I meet with has had no subject over the last 10 years that has come up as often as the subject of anonymous letters. I’ve seen guys quit, I’ve seen grown, mature men cry, I’ve seen Satan work through negative anonymous letters. I know of NOTHING more “de-sailing”! Those who choose to work this way make themselves tools of the devil – I’m sure often unintentionally, but they are verbal terrorist blowing the heart out of others. I do not and I will not read anonymous letters. They present problems and offer no opportunity to solve them. I’ve NEVER read one that was accurate. In our culture unsigned letters speak of notes from terrorist (like the Unabomber) or kidnappers. I can’t communicate how hurtful such behavior is more clearly. Even as a result of one of the anonymous posts yesterday I had a call from a discouraged saint who was at the point of tears.

One of the many problems is it forces the reader judge and jump to opinions: See I have a sneaking suspicion that moose is an unhappy person who wants others to share in their misery – but I don’t know for all I know is what they wrote…Of the sort that they think they MUST find something wrong – something bad – something to worry about and they won’t be happy till everyone else is as miserable than they are. Now, none of that may be true but I can’t know as long as he/she hides. I wonder as I think about them: What do you have to fear? Do you not believe your statements enough to stand behind them? Is it not truth? And then I consider these questions: What if it is someone just wanting to cause dissention? What if it is the same person? The two posters could be one with different sign in names. I have an uncle who used to do that in chat rooms – show up as two people and ask himself the questions he thought should be asked and then answer them himself. What if the poster is just lying?

Now I want to address a few things in the comments section said by Any Nonny Moose and lightweight. I’d rather not address them openly but they by remaining anonymous give me no other forum through which to address them.

“what was posted was not harmful to SM in any way” I disagree. I think that which paints the Body of Christ in a bad light is harmful. See, the fact is, all we have to do is to start polluting the water for the spirit of this place to be besmirched.

“it showed an opposing view to the "everythings perfect" attitude that is in many of the comments on this blog.” Folks, I admit problems – yes I do (and we have some) – but I choose to see the very best-I love the church! Some refuse to see good happening – they find the cloud in every silver lining, they focus on the thorn and ignore the rose. Can we do and be better. Was what the original poster said of any merit – it was. And I have addressed it. And will further – but to get on and say things that may or may not be accurate serves no purpose. What did you hope to accomplish – “wowho…I convinced someone that not everything is perfect about the church. I slapped some sense of reality and discouragement into their silly little happy heads!” Well…good for you – aren’t you something? I know that sounds harsh…sorry. It’s how it strikes me and since I don’t know who you are I can’t check out what your intent was.

“that is the truth. it was not directly harmful or mean to Dale. in fact, he was not even mentioned” I do believe this is wrong. The original poster actually accused me of belittling or making fun of a person in front of the whole church on a Sunday (that is not the exact words but that’s how it came across to me and I can’t check it out). The fact is I did make a joke in the direction of that person – the two of us kid all the time – like I do with Tom on the length of his prayers and Kenny on being cheap and Eric on leading every song in the book every Sunday – and none of these guys take it wrong. In fact they hit back. It’s good natured bantering. You see – there is a degree of truth in each of them - the point of the barb is I love them anyway – in fact enough to totally overlook it. My friend Jerrie Barber says there is two ways to know if your “joke” has been offensive – 1. Are they laughing and 2. Check it out with them. So just to be sure, I did. . I wrote the guy that I was supposedly rude to and he said I have not been and that he too enjoys the kidding back and forth. If you could see the e-mail barbs we’ve sent to each other the last year you’d know. I love him and he loves me! Again, I don’t like being cast in a bad light (who does) but that was not the issue. I thought the post made THE LORD’S CHURCH look bad. I won’t knowingly allow that on this blog!

“Yo should check your comments guys, you defend something you have not idea about.” That’s mighty bold of you “moose” anonymously attacking people who are willing to sign their names. Also, what’s bad about coming to someone’s aid who you love. Why wouldn’t you? And further I don’t know that anyone (other than me) condemned the poster. How could we – we don’t know who it is!!!!!

“be careful about name calling” I would agree.

“I would ask Dale allow anonymous comments and deeal with the conversations as they come. if someone say something offensive, remove it. but don't remove comments just because they disagree with you.” I’m leaning this way. Of course it would be subjective. And I have not removed comments, ever, just because they disagreed with me. In fact I’ve only removed two comments of the 500 or so that have been made over the last year.

“one last statement about anymous comments and that is that when you dont allow them, you really only allow for people who will only speak about you in a positive way and agree with you. you can call them what you want but they are seen as sycophants.” This is a very fatalistic way to view life. You perhaps (but I don’t know you) reveal something about yourself. What you are saying in essence is that every statement not made anonymously is a lie.- what a miserable way to view life. I think unsigned comments lend themselves much more readily to lies. And I think it could be that by that very statement you are saying revealing that when you talk to someone face to face or in letter (when you sign your name) you are always telling lies.

Now to lightweight:
I think your comments are excellent. I mean that. I even agree with you. I’ve seen people who should be mature mistreat fellow Christians and it sickens me too. But by not signing your name I feel you harm your credibility for many of the reasons stated above. I also would rather you go to the people involved and at least try (I know it’s difficult and rarely successful) to help them grow and let them know they have hurt others. Thanks for your obvious tender heart in your approach but I do think you’d be more successful if you just tired the Matthew manner.

Now for a few other general comments in this now way to long epistle:

I would think that anything that could in any way be viewed as negative toward another or that if spoken plainly would hurt someone’s feelings is inappropriate. I suspicion most who post anonymous would too – else they’d sign their name. The text says we are to only speak that which is useful.

Knowing who it is helps me to know how to respond – I talk differently to my dad than my sons. I talk differently to a new Christian than one who should be mature (Hebrews 5).

I’d rather talk to you one on one than in a public forum on matters that could lead to negative contention. In other words if you have a problem with me come to me. I am not shocked when someone disagrees with me and I am often in the wrong. In fact if you listen to me preach for three or four years and never disagree I have to wonder a little.

When posting what I say can be misunderstood and what others comment may be as well. When you sign your name it gives the chance to clarify and/or correct. To deal with it. Anonymously you can twist what I say all out of context and I don’t know if you are just being mean or if we are just misunderstanding each other.

Wow this got long – I hope what I’ve said has been said in love – I’ve tried to make it that way. I know I was a little tough on moose – sorry. What I said I said not to start a fight but to make all consider what is said.

You can now reply and be as ugly as you want to be cause I don’t know who is saying it!

Remember this is "The Blog That Binds" it is not designed to bring people down but to lift them up. There's plenty in life to bring us down without Christians contributing to it.

Oh yes, one other thing. If I know who you are, regardless of your comments I will try to love you!

And let me do emphasize one last thing again: I will not allow my blog to run down my family or my Family!