Monday, October 30, 2006

Pews, Paint and Pulpits...

Walls…Paint…Carpet…Windows…Pews…moved – repaired – bolted down…Bathroom floors and cleanup…Baseboards…Electrical work…Sound system,…PowerPoint system…new pulpit…card and pens….Lights…and of course a clock on the wall. We have a new place!

I think God just keeps amazing all of us at Spring Meadows. Sunday we set a goal of giving $30,000.00 (when we decided that I thought – “My, I wish we’d set it at 20.”). Well, the gasp was audible when Glenn announced we had given over $51,000.00!

When I came here, this was the smallest church I had worked with on a fulltime basis but that is the largest contribution I’ve ever been a part of! Wow. God is good to us. I still love the motto I first heard around here: “Don’t limit God.” I hate to admit it, but that is easy to say and hard to live by. I thought we might get close, but I never anticipated we’d blow that goal away!

Steve Baker had the quote of the day: “We just aren’t very good at setting goals around here.”

Sunday we will move in and I feel sure we’ll fill the building. So many have done so much, I think every member has been a part of making this all possible. Things have seemingly “just happened” but I know behind every “happening” there have been people who have made it happen, with love, prayer, hard work and most obvious the blessing of God.

I hope you will be with us, it’s gonna be another great day. The worship service begins at 9am. If you’ve not been to Spring Meadows before, you need to come, you’ll find it hard to believe what’s happening!

And if you can't be here (shame on you) but we do want your prayers anyway! :)

P.S. Sunday night holds great promise too: Dennis Doughty who's book on Heaven will be coming off the press later this week will be with us and will have some copies of his book available. His lesson will be "Heaven, the Unwritten Chapter". It will be a night to remember. We start at 5 on Sunday evening.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's great news, Dale! It really sounds like Spring Meadows is a wonderful place. I know you will have a great future there. By the way, I love the reference to the clock on the wall. I'm as guilty as the next guy, but how can we spend hours and hours at a football game, watching television, or shopping; but we can't seem to drift slightly over the allotted 20 minute time limit for sermons?