Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Politics and saving the world...

There are thousands of “good causes” that would love to hijack the church as an arm to their purely political purposes. Thus must the church ever be on guard. We are to be light and leaven but anytime we start to speak out on moral issues neo-political “christians” will try to sabotage our real mission. They will even try to use issues we must speak out on like homosexuality (see Romans 1:32 If you question whether or not we “must” speak out on this issue) and try to make that “the issue” of the church. Our message is Christ crucified, raised, glorified and coming again, not “headquarters for the coalition against _____ (you fill in the blank here). We must speak out as the leavening influence in our world, we are obligated by scripture to “rail” against sin for it is what crucified Christ and it is what separates men from God and unrepented of sin is what will send men and women to eternal punishment. But…

…The world will not be changed by political forces, the changes they cultivate are merely cosmetic. They cannot address the heart of the matter, which of course involves the heart. Everywhere and in every age that Christianity has gone and dominated so have more civilized living, greater prosperity and more friendly living conditions.

I could care less about the parties! I’m morally conservative – period. I don’t know if Democrats care more for the poor and oppressed – most of the national ones are so filthy rich, I doubt it. I don’t know if Republicans care more about conservative values or not, watching the news lately that’d be hard to prove. Which party is more fiscally responsible? Frankly I care more about traffic conditions on I-65 (you name the time of day). Which can better manage the war, the environment? Debate that with somebody else. I am an American by birth, a Christian by rebirth. I am a citizen of a higher country (Hebrews 11:10).

But that doesn't mean I have no voice in our culture. I am commanded by God to be salt! For instance I'm pro-prayer. In the school, at ballgames, in the halls of legislators, at work...our country has been in a constant state of moral decline since the 1960's ruling that supposedly took away this freedom because a few bigoted atheists thought a heart beat of concern of the minority should lead our nation founded on a forceful Christian outlook!

Now, if one man is opposed to abortion and shows promise of doing something to change that devilish practice that has allowed the legal murder of hundreds of millions of babies, that’s an easy call. If the vote comes before us that would outlaw abortion, restrict legalized gambling, limit the sale of alcohol, foster families as outlined in God’s Word, I’m going to speak out on it. And it doesn’t matter to me who wrote it or who else is supporting it or opposing it. It doesn’t matter what it might do to the economy or to our perceived political correctness in the eyes of foreign countries, I will speak out. But I’m not going to let it become my hobby. I have one – “go into all the world and preach the gospel…”

Now, if I’ve made myself clear: The November 7 election gives an opportunity to vote on a proposed constitutional amendment regarding same-sex marriages. Be aware that those who worded the amendment were sly . The wording of the amendment demands a "yes" vote. It’d seem that you would vote “no” – as in “I’m against recognizing homosexual marriage as an acceptable definition of marriage.” But read it carefully and trust me, if you are opposed to this sin (and there’s a truckload of reasons both Biblical and culturally to be), you will vote “yes”. The second sly method of getting this passed is in that defeat or approval must have both a majority of the votes cast as well as a number of votes equal to one-half plus one of the votes cast in the governor's race. If you vote for the governor but do not vote on the amendment, by default you have voted "no." I urge you to vote "yes" because of God's definition of marriage (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5; Eph. 5:31).

Let me hear from you on this...your discussion below might help inform and enlighten...

1 comment:

Gayle said...

My pc died. George's does not have IM's and I don't have your email address. Please send it to me. then remove my address from here Please.