Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's Official...we have a building program...

Keeping you all updated as best I can in layman's terms:

Everyone knows that when the portapotty arrives construction isn't too far behind. Here's the proof...along with a picture of the construction trailer.

It's the first time I've ever felt that a portapotty was a thing of beauty - it's a sign of progress!

The "construction trailer".

As I understand it: They were doing survey work and setting up frames for the footings yesterday and today. I can't predict (and fear even trying) but after talking to one of the bosses I estimate it will still be about a month before we SEE real progress, but then it should move, at least exteriorly fast for a while. I hope. IF I understood it will be a couple or three days till the "rods" (my term) that will secure the beams are in place and then they have to "encase" (concrete) them. They have to "cure" for seven days (or did he say three) before the beams go up. That should then take maybe 3 (wow) days. While that is going on the "blocks" that will be the outside walls will be going up a couple of blokcs hing and then the slab will be poured. All of this should take about a month (if they don't run into any major problems). Again (major, disclaimer - I am not in the construction field and I am speaking very carefully) If I heard correctly.

A view north from the drive into the development of the construction trailer arriving. As a point of reference you can see the "pad" in between the two trucks.

At the Duplex Road entrance - a picture of the SBG (State Builders Group) sign on the hill. Another "sign" of progress!


AlabamaKiwi said...

Congratulations on having your first building at the site! I know you must be pumped! Is it intended to be permanent? :)

Uncle Dan

Tesney said...

Strange as it may sound, I share your excitement over seeing port-a-potties...only it's when I see them around campus because that means football season is starting soon!