Thursday, February 07, 2008

Off the reservation...

Get 3000 or so preachers together, mix in a couple of hundred lectures and a few thousand ideas, backgrounds, approaches and opinions, along with a culture that encourages radical individualism, and it is really quite amazing that there is not constant bickering and fighting. About once every 5 years or so someone will go totally off the reservation but when you consider all the elements involved the unity, love and peace that exists is much more sensational than the occasional differences. Today, from what I could tell someone had to be pulled back in but I can't remember the last time such happened. Our congratulations to those who put is all together, select topics and speakers and who love the church enough not to be constantly striving to cause an uproar, but serious and challenging study or scripture and approached to the Lord's Work.


Gayle said...

okay, you are my contact to the Lectures... I had an a bad nite and George took mehome and to dr as fast as we could go and I went to ER and have Lung infected and asthma... so keep me informed... I have the video for Loyd Aud. later, B

Unknown said...

Radical individualism? Is that what we call folks who dare to study and think for themselves? Thank God for men like Les Bonnett who are willing to ask the difficult questions that so many ignore. He simply spoke what so many have whispered around the brotherhood for years. Of course,I'm sure that he'll be made an example to warn others not to question the groupthink that is so prevalent among our brotherhood.

Tom C. said...

I don't think the issue of "radical individualism" is about whether or not someone studies or thinks in an independent manner and expresses those ideas in a forum of debate.....I think the issue of radical individualism is when someone focuses on their own agenda and tries to position God based on that agenda. I think that is the culture which Dale refers to.....just my opinion.

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.