Thursday, February 28, 2008

Great thoughts...

I suppose most of my blog readers know that among the roles I feel so blessed to fill is that of an editor with 21st Century Christian. Earlier this week I got a piece from my friend Dr. Bill Bagents, VP of Academic Affairs at Heritage Christian University. One of the paragraphs is among the best I've read in years. It is worth your time to spend a minute devouring it. Enjoy:

"God’s ways have always been mysterious. Who but God would select one childless couple to begin His chosen nation or allow His own Son to be born in poverty and live infancy as a refugee? Who but God would let the denier preach on Pentecost or call the persecutor to preach? Who but God would allow His lead evangelist to work and write from prison? Part of God’s ongoing mystery story is His amazing ability to use the most unlikely people in the most unlikely settings to accomplish His will. Prison bars may limit mobility, but they cannot limit service. They may limit freedom, but they cannot limit faith. God can work over, through, and around every circumstance."

And He waits to use you to highlight His power in your weaknesses, excuses, and inabilities. How blessed you are! Just wait to see the surprises He has in store if you will be clay in His hand.


Matthew said...

Bill was a teacher of mine at HCU. He was fantastic in every class, as well as outside of the classroom.

Sonny Owens said...

Good reading. Thanks