Wednesday, February 06, 2008

48 and counting...


48 official offerings on this day: It is impossible to hear everyone you want to, to visit with everyone you would like to. I've had to miss dear friends because two were speaking at the same time. I've had to miss family members because two were speaking at the same time. I had to miss favorite speakers because of obligations to hear another. I know there have been many who have done that for me.

Then there is an excellent youth minister's track. I profited from two of these today. One was Nick Jones. Nick listed all the technology tools and tips at and type in Nick Jones. If tech is your desire you might check out this

Then there are all of these dinner's. There's a fund raising program for every meal - breakfast, lunch and supper. And there are some great lessons delivered at these too.

More later tonight on "Open Forum", Today's lectures and greeting at the lectureships.

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