Thursday, January 18, 2007


It's one of those nights I seem to have a lot to blog about. So, let's start with a couple of announcements (thanks for coming today and especially welcome to our guests - please fill out - oops that's another sort of announcement).

I got a phone call Wednesday afternoon and my old friend Lennie Hargett had died. Lennie was an elder at Hamilton when I moved to work with the church there. He helped hire me and gave me the break of my life. He loved mom and dad and when I wasn't dad it disappointed him (me too :)) so our first few years were frankly rather rough. It was me, I was too immature to respect the authority he had over me. Eventually we grew to a mutual respect and finally to love each other. Last time I saw him we gave each other a big loving hug. He and his family are special to me. I'll leave out early tomorrow morning (Friday) to preach his funeral. It is a special little life "we" preachers get to imbibe of - when I got word Wednesday I called his daughter Jennie - the first thing she said was: "I knew you'd call." To know and love to be known and minister through life to be a part of their highs, their lows...their lives, this is ministry.

I'll leave the funeral for a board meeting for HCU and then return for a very special day Sunday at Spring Meadows. We will be installing (I don't like that word - sounds like our speaker system was broken and we had to install a new one)/ordaining (not my favorite either sounds too much like apostle stuff to me-who am I do ordain anyone)/recognizing (maybe better but still we know them already and if they were already recognized as elders why are we doing it) - so call it what you will, maybe affirming our first eldership. Steve, Carl, Monte, Bud and Tom have much to offer. Once again God has blessed this young church more than we imagined and more than we deserve. These guys as a group were affirmed by over 96% of the participants. That's unheard of in this day. It is good. But it is just another step of beginning for us. Thanks to all who pray for us.

Now for a rough draft of a blogticle (blog article):

It’s not all easy!

He had the spirit of God. His book is probably the best selling book of all time, he wrote most of the book of Psalms that has comforted, calming and challenged millions of people. He was a war hero. His wealth would make you look like a pauper. The image of his masculine physic is considered the gold standard for any man. And, he ruled his nation for 40 years! He was a king. King David. Man, he had it made didn’t he.
See him there on the throne, opulent wealth, adoring fans, sweet background music, slaves and subjects…He had it easy didn’t he.

Well, go back a little and look at what might have been had this young man determined to look on the gloomy side, if he’d decided to only consider the bad breaks – bad break, yeah, he had them.
Dad treated him like the runt of the liter
His lowly job as a shepherd caused him to encounter both a viscous lion and bear (talk about a bad day at the office).
His first wife betrayed him.
His predecessor on the throne used him for javelin practice.
He had a Judas of a son who betrayed him.

You, see, so much of our success depends on what we choose to look at and what we do with what we got. So stop complaining, comparing and "what if" ing and get out there and do, live, fight, advance...yes, all in faith.

So much depends on what we look at … and who we look to! Long before David had other bow before him and call him lord, he had himself bowed and called Him Lord! Long before the maidens of the land lauded him with the pop culture lyrics of their day - he had spent his hours writing songs that would endure the years to His Ruler.

What do you look at...who do you look to?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss of a friend. You always inspire me. See you at the Lectures? I hope so. Take care Cuz. Brenda

Debbie said...

Good blog article but I am offended by the word "blogticle." Please refrain yourself.

Heather said...

I was very sad to find out about Lennie from mom and dad, especially for Marie and the kids and grandchildren. He had a full life and a wonderful family. They have years of great memories.
Great post about David--It really makes you think!

Paula Harrington said...

Good bloticle (strange word :)

Sorry about your friend.

And great to hear about the new elders!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dale!

I am so sorry to read about the death of your friend. Many times the people that give us the hardest time in life, are the people we have the deepest love for...not sure why...maybe they require a lot of giving of ourselves, which, inevitably, is "doing" love. I am glad to read that you did become friends, and grew to love him. It is wonderful that you have the opportunity to preach his funeral. What a great gift.
I LOVE the word "blogticle", it is hilarious!
Regarding David,I was told something when I was a teenager, and still live by it today, "It is not what happens to you in life; It is what you do with it that counts". David totally did! He is my favorite "Biblical" person. After all that he did or what happened to him, he still praised God through all the storms. Did you ever notice that he starts a lot of the Psalms with whining or complaining and then always turns to strength and praise in the end? He's awesome! I love your insight into David, and your phrasing helps people like me see him in a realistic light.
It was a happy day to have elders installed! Can you believe how far our little vision has come? These five men are an awesome group of leaders! They are all wonderful, Godly men, and we are VERY blessed to have them. I am so excited...God is working at Spring Meadows!
Dale, thanx for your "blogticles"! they are a fun thing, and inspire thought!
Love ya! Keep up the great work!

Tesney said...

Great blogticle!

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Say hi to the folks at HCU.

Bobby Valentine