Monday, December 04, 2006

Shameless Self Promotion?

Several weeks ago I got a call from Bobby Dodd, who I'd met when he lived in Nashville and worked with the Tennessean several years ago. He told me he'd seen where I'd left Granny White and that they were thinking of doing a story at the Christian Chronicle on rather established (I took that to mean older :)) preachers who were leaving strong works to go to church plants or newly established congregations. He asked if I'd help. I said yes and a couple of weeks later I got a call from Charles Babb (who I still haven't met face to face). He did a telephone interview with me and the link below takes you to that interview.

A note to my dear friends at Granny White. While overall I was pleased with the article part of a request I sent to CC is right below and while they did not make the suggested changes but were very gracious in their explaination:

Thanks for the article. It is well done. I would ask a couple of things that would make it better for me.
1. Mention Granny White Church of Christ instead of just Granny White church. That would be a big deal with them. I love those people and only want this to honor them.
2. I'd also request that somewhere you mention that we are not a group off just doing our own thing, we are trying to be God's People in the world today living by His Plan.


Tesney said...

Great article! We've still got to get up there to visit soon...

Heather said...

Great job, Dale! I'm so glad everything is going so well for you guys. Keep up the good work. It's funny to me that 2 of your most loyal commenters are 2 people that grew up where you preached in Hamilton. It goes to show you that you definitely had an impact. I know you're doing the same now.

Debbie said...

Good article but I know your wife is actually crying her eyes out because she doesn't get to see me each Sunday.